• God Nut Alex Jones’s Video Cannibal Porn Confession; Jones Says he Wants to “Eat Your Ass”

    Donald Trump’s political ally Alex Jones described his cannibal fetish in an online video with gruesome detail. Stalking, killing, skinning, gutting, chopping up and eating his neighbors, to feed himself and his children. Alex Jones; a serial conspiracy nut, makes loud emphasis on his “drinking blood” and “eating ass” as apparently his personal choice beverage…

  • Crazy Conspiracy Nut Alex Jones Claims Gays are a Government Plot!

    Alex Jones: Gay marriage truther? The conspiracy theorist said the government is turning people gay through chemical warfare                        By Alex Seitz-Wald [Alex Jones, it ought be noted is a shill for the far Right Wing political cult, known as the John Birch Society. Jones is also a rabid god nut, Christian fundamentalist, end times promulgator. Jones…

  • Duped Former Conspiracy Nut Converts To Reason | Heretic Ex-Truther Receives Death Threats

    Charlie Veitch, the 9/11 Conspiracy Theorist Who Realized He Was Duped by Brucella Newman Former “truther”, Charlie Veitch Once one of Britain’s principal conspiracy theorists as well as friend to David Icke and Alex Jones, Charlie Veitch, was known as a 9/11 “truther.”  As soon as he realized that he had been duped, he stopped. …

  • Field Guide to the Conspiracy Theorist: Dark Minds

    Field Guide to the Conspiracy Theorist: Dark Minds When does incredulity become paranoia? Radio personality and filmmaker Alex Jones believes an evil cabal of bankers rules the world.         by John Gartner, Ph.D. Alex Jones is trying to warn us about an evil syndicate of bankers who control most of the world’s governments and stand…

  • Crackpot Glenn Beck Salivates at Prospect of Civil War

    Beck Provides More Insights into Obama’s Looming Civil War Submitted by Kyle Mantyla Earlier today we posted a clip of Glenn Beck warning that President Obama was trying to foment civil war in America and it was a topic he returned to on his radio broadcast this morning, explaining that since the moment Obama took…

  • Raving Lunatic Alex Jones “Spits” On Co-Lunatic Glenn Beck

    Alex Jones rails against Glenn Beck: Jefferson would spit on you, you little b*stard By Eric W. Dolan                                               Conspiracy theorist Alex Jones slammed conservative personality Glenn Beck on Monday, attacking his supposed libertarian credentials. “Glenn Beck is despicable,” Jones told The Young Turks host Cenk Uygur. “He has five guys watching everything I do,…

  • Those Shameless Sandy Hook Truthers

    Meet the Sandy Hook truthers Conspiracy Theorists think they’ve found “absolute proof” that Newtown was a hoax. Have they no shame? BY ALEX SEITZ-WALD (Credit: Reuters/Eric Thayer) Yes, there really are Newtown truthers. But in the crazy world of Sandy Hook conspiracy theories, this one may be the worst yet. (Maybe you’ve already heard some of…

  • Conspiracy Contradictions and The Monological Belief System

    Conspiracy Contradictions Why people who believe in one conspiracy are prone to believe others ON WEDNESDAY, MAY 16, I spent several hours on a hot bus in a neon desert called Las Vegas with a merry band of British conspiracists during their journey around the Southwest in search of UFOs, aliens, Area 51 and government…

  • Deranged British Climate Change Denier James Delingpole in Wall Street Journal

    The precipitous decline of a once-great newspaper. Today at the Wall Street Journal we find an appalling article titled Climategate 2.0, by one of Britain’s most deranged and dishonest climate change deniers, James Delingpole — who often appears on the crazed radio show of conspiracy theorist Alex Jones. Every sentence in this first paragraph is…

  • Alleged White House Shooter Inspired by Alex Jones

    The deranged far right inspires another violent nut Imagine our surprise (NOT!) that the accused White House shooter Oscar Ramiro Ortega-Hernandez drew some of his inspiration from the crazed conspiracy ravings of Uber Nut Alex Jones! Jake Chapman is also scheduled to make the trip to Washington. The AK-47 that Mr. Ortega is accused of using to fire…

  • Glenn Beck’s Gun – Update: Beck Deletes the Gun

    Glenn Beck’s Gun – Update: Beck Deletes the Gun A classic example of right wing cognitive dissonance, from the site of raving freakazoid nut sandwich Glenn Beck: Credit: StopBeck. And no, this is not a Photoshop. Here’s the background image at Glenn Beck’s site. It’s a random image, chosen from about 20 different backgrounds. Notice…

  • The Wrath of Fools: An Open Letter to the Far Right

    The Wrath of Fools: An Open Letter to the Far Right Monday 10 January 2011 by: William Rivers Pitt, t r u t h o u t | Op-Ed (Image: Jared Rodriguez / t r u t h o u t) To:       Palin-lovers, Fox “News,” the “mainstream” media, and the Far Right,…